Ancestry ethnicity estimates – which parent gave me more German? has recently updated its ethnicity estimates and split the estimates between your parents so that you can determine where a particular ethnicity has come from. Unfortunately, in my case, it may not be very helpful as my parents came from Continental Europe and stayed within the same regional and religious group within Australia. My latest ethnicity results are below.
One of my parents has contributed more of Eastern Europe , the other has contributed more Baltic. But which one is which?
So I analysed the ethnicities of my top 10 DNA matches on my father’s Mann side and on my mother’s Kuchel side. The data is shown below.
The analysis indicates the matches on the Mann side have a higher German ethnicity ascribed to them and have had less interaction with ethnicities outside the principal four ethnicities.
The implication is that Mum is Parent 1 and Dad is Parent 2.